A good education has become expensive, with many students stuck paying student loans. The standard repayment duration for these loans is ten years.
However, some people are stuck paying the loan even up to 30 years.
As a result, it can strain the budget, with people having to split between paying a mortgage, saving for retirement, or investing. It can also affect the ability to get personal loans or credit cards if one defaults. If one struggles with this balancing act, below are helpful tips to help pay off the student loan quickly.
Pay More than the Required Installment
Like with other debts, such as online loans, borrowers can pay off their student loans quickly if they pay more than the indicated monthly premium. It allows a student to be ahead of schedule at all times. One can utilize a debt calculator to see how adding extra payments can quickly impact loan repayment, leading to a debt-free life.
However, the student loan servicer may apply the extra payments to your next month’s installment. In this case, a student should ensure they instruct their servicer via phone or email to keep the following month’s due date as planned but apply the overpayments to the current balance.
Doing this will keep students on their toes to ensure they make all due installments, regardless of the overpayments. Notably, a borrower can make additional payments at any time of the month or by the due date. Doing this can save a student a lot of money in the long run. They can dramatically reduce the payment period by adding extra payments continually.
Get a Part-Time Job in College to Limit the Debt
One of the ways students can limit their debt burden is by having a part-time job while attending college. The more students earn, the more their need for student loans decreases. The amount a student borrower has a significant impact on their debt.
Many schools provide resources with on-campus jobs. These jobs have better work schedules as they revolve around busy class hours. If that is not an option, a student can look for ever-increasing online jobs where they can work part-time. Additionally, a student can take a full-time job in the summer to augment their savings and earn more to help reduce their student loan debt.
Debt Refinancing
Another option for a borrower is to consider student loan refinancing. Tools like Crezu can help borrowers compare terms and conditions from various personal loan providers to pick the best.
A borrower can access a lower-interest loan by choosing a shorter repayment duration. Notably, this option is only available after graduation. However, students can also access this option if they have a strong credit history. They can also use a creditworthy co-signer.
However, if that is not the case, the borrower may need to take time to build a strong credit history. They can do so by using credit cards and making timely payments. They also need to meet the eligibility criteria from various refinance lenders, such as a stable income and a credible employment history.
Refinancing a student loan can benefit borrowers, but they can lose access to benefits such as student loan forgiveness. Refinancing is a good option as they help reduce the repayment time. Borrowers can use this option when they have a high-interest student loan.
Employers that Help with Loan Payments
Many employers are now offering student loan payment assistance. In this scheme, employees pay a certain amount towards the debt monthly. The amounts that an employer pays can vary. When working for such an employer, the employee can keep paying their minimums, and the extra funds from the employer can be used to reduce the balance. However, if one is capable, they can also increase their installments to repay the amounts in a shorter duration.
Use Automatic Payments
Sometimes the budget can be too tight to allow for extras for loan repayments. As a result, one may be tempted to reduce this installment to allow more money for the budget. However, this can slow down the pace of repaying the loan.
For this reason, a borrower should set up automatic payments. This idea also works for paying online loans and others. One can set up these deductions for the beginning of every month to avoid spending the amount.
A borrower needs to keep a monthly budget that considers their cash flow and other payments, such as credit cards. The budget also allows one to look at spending habits and keep them in check.
Looking at the amount one owes in student debt can be daunting. However, understanding debt and developing a framework to pay it off can be liberating. The earlier one pays off the debt, the better, as they can focus on building other financial areas of their lives. Using the tips discussed above can help one become debt free.
Read more:
5 Tips to Help You Pay Off your Student Loan